Pedagogy is the art of teaching , it is the way and method that an instructor use to transfer knowledge to consumer. Open pedagogy therefore involves the transfer of information form the producer to the consumer freely, in open pedagogy barriers placed on learning have been removed enabling consumers to learn freely. A pedagogue is anyone that produce information in such away that it can be learned easily by a consumer, in some countries in order to be a pedagogue you will need a Bachelors in Education , or go through a training in an institute for educators.
Steps used in open pedagogy
Make your consumers trust you
Provide some information to your consumers or students
Let the students consume and translate the information you provide
Allow the students the to teach the newly translated information to another student
Provide the students with how their work will be graded
Provide students with different methods that can be employed in other to do well
Give them a feedback on the work done by the students
Allow the students to try this form of teaching
Why do we then need a permission or license in open pedagogy ?
This is because the work by a student that will be effective in teaching other students and also be in accordance with the free access policy of open educational resources and also the 4R permissions.
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