Wednesday, November 13, 2013

How to become an effective learner

How do we use previous skills and knowledge to analyze  newly consumed information which will involve comparing and contrasting the new information with what we know. This learning process is explained by metacognitive theories.
Components of metacognitive theories:
1. Metacognitive knowledge
2. Metacognitive regulation

                                                        Metacognitive knowledge
What do we know about our cognition?

 Declarative knowledge
         We know we are learners , we use our memory to analyze the  different information we consume. Therefore what makes us good learners is how much we know about our cognition.Good learners have more knowledge about their memory.

Procedural knowledge
       Involves using skills to solve different problems. People that possess better problem solving skills learn faster.

Conditional knowledge
   This is knowing how and when to use the skills that have been acquired over time to solve a problem.

                                                 Metacognitive regulation
How do we control our thinking?

This involves strategies that makes us to learn better , like asking questions before reading an article.

This involves testing our knowledge while learning , people who are able to effectively utilize this form of metacognitive regulation are good at declarative i.e. they are able to effectively access their memory on the subject  and perform a test while learning.

This requires an ability to be able to uncover some details that are not present in the information we are consuming. This will require us to align our thinking to what the author was thinking when he produced the text we are consuming.

All these components are required in order for us to be an effective learner.

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