Wednesday, December 4, 2013


While listening to the mooc talk on technobiophilia , I felt like I would never be able to come up with anything to write about, all I kept seeing was  pictures on the second life and it keeps reminding of the movie Avatar , I looked it up and found out that it is an online virtual world where users of this virtual online world , "second life users" can interact just like we do in the real world.

Picture credit: Google image

I  was still confused about what Technobiophilia meant , all I kept thinking was how tech and bio could combine . I kept on listening to the mooc talk and took notes as well .When Sue was about too close , every point that I had put down now made sense . I now understand the reason for all these pictures.
     First we need to understand what ART means , attention restoration theory , deals with the activities we do to relax our mind, like going away from our home to a different place like the park,  at the park we see different people doing different things . Here our attention has been diverted completely from work ,at the park we are connected with nature and our attention is also engaged with the people in nature. 
            Then what is Biophilia , it is the innate tendency to focus on life and lifelong processes (E.O Wilson)  , it is also the love of life. This is inbuilt , we have the urge to do things that are more connected with how we live our lives. This is an innate tendency, which means we would have an urge to be in connection with nature.
       Technobiophilia is the tendency to focus on life and life long processes as they appear in technology (Sue Thomas) . This is a definition similar to Biophilia but with technology added to it. This is because most of us spend more time using computers and we don't have the time to relax ourselves by going outside. We need to balance the amount of time using technology with our connection with nature. This can be done indoor , this is what Second life intends to do, this provides us with a little bit of visual break, we can also do this  by just looking at the view from the window. It can also be by going outdoor to a botanic garden or to a zoo. 

How do we connect technobiophilia with metaliteracy
Metaliteracy promotes online learning with few traditional classes , thus adding to the number of hours we will be spending indoors on the computer, this will create a major setback for metaliterate learners  because they will be staying indoor for too long. This future problem has been solved by Sue Thomas where she propose the use of Second life teaching space where metaliterate learners will still be able to use their computers and also at the same time connect with nature indoor. I opened an account with second life and met "nany", a second lifer and am about to explore. 

Below is a snapshot of my second life avatar checking out pictures of wig in the second life

Below is the snapshot of me in second life taking to another second lifer

1 comment:

  1. How interesting that Sue Thomas's MOOC Talk encouraged you to join Second Life! I've not been in that world, so your snapshots really interested me. Just one correction: metaliteracy doesn't necessarily promote online courses over in-person courses. However, it is true that it acknowledges that learning takes place online, in a variety of situations and collaborations. Please post again about your Second Life continuing experiences!
