Wednesday, August 28, 2013

What is metaliteracy

Metaliteracy involves thinking and exchange of information on the social media like twitter , facebook and different other sources of information on the internet. It makes use of modern technologies to redefine the way we gather information  (consume) and use information (translate and produce ) that is different from the way information has been used in the past. It was developed after years of research on how we have been using information. It provides learners with different ways of sharing and redistributing information. Information exchanged on metaliteracy can be visual, digital , news. e.t.c.

Aim of  metaliteracy

     We all have the capabilities to be  metaliterate.Almost everyone that use internet and have at least an email account or a facebook account or a twitter account has taken part in the first step towards metaliteracy- this is called consuming information from different sources academic or non academic. Then if we are able to digest the information consumed , then we are ready to proceed to the next stage which is translation.
  Just like our DNA have the capacity to translate information received to produce proteins that are needed by the body we also need to translate the information we get from different sources.

Thus we translate the information based on our skills or our previous knowledge. Then we can go to the next step of being a producer of information.  We all translate information differently because we all have different perspectives on the same topic. Thus metaliteracy if well utilized will serve the world on a different level because it will drive creativity to the highest level as people will come up with different views one subject.